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Key Poulan Music is proud to announce BASICS! BASICS! BASICS! which is a music literacy program originally developed over the past 18 years for the Buchanan High School and Alta Sierra Intermediate School in Clovis, California. The objective of BASICS! BASICS! BASICS! is to provide beginning, intermediate, and advanced band students with the basic tools and fundamental concepts needed for musical growth in their Middle School and High School Bands. The method book series has been developed in a manner that simplifies often difficult music concepts. Mastery of the objectives will foster the fundamental skills needed to become a literate musician. The comprehensive program is designed to be self-paced with a reasonable minimum weekly requirement and no maximum requirement for more advanced students.
Knowledge Objectives
The Knowledge Objectives Method provides a comprehensive yet simplistic approach to theory concepts necessary for all literate musicians including:

- Proper Playing Set Up
- Grand Staff
- Lines and Spaces
- Elements of a Note
- Note Type Identification
- Musicality Markings and Concepts
- Time Signatures
- Skeleton Rhythms
- Base 4 Whole Note and Rest Trees
- Base 2 Whole Note and Rest Trees
- Base 4 Dotted Half Note and Rest Trees
- Base 8 Dotted Half Note and Rest Trees
- Placement of the Flat Key Signatures on the Staff
- Placement of the Sharp Key Signatures on the Staff
- Circle of 5ths
- Diagramming the Piano Keyboard
- General Music Terminology
- Dynamics and Style Terminology
- Tempi Terminology
- The Chromatic Tuner and Metronome
Warm Ups for Band
The Warm Ups for Band method is a series of full ensemble warm-up exercises that work the foundation of the well-rehearsed groups. The logical sequence of Warm Ups for Band prepares the ensemble for tuning. The warm ups continue with musical and technical drills to develop rhythmic control and subdivision.

- Long Tones
- Lip Slurs and Chromatics
- Tuning Notes
- Tuning By Sections
- Tuning By Groups
- Windtonation
- Remington Pitch Exercise
- Chromatic Scale Exercise
- Center Chorale
- Center Chorale (Pulsed)
- Center Chorale (Bopped)
- 8-7-6 Exercise
- 8-7-6 Exercise (Without Rests)
- 1-2-3 Exercise
- 1-2-3 Exercise (Without Rests)
- Displaced Eighth Note Exercise (4/4)
- Displaced Eighth Rest Exercise (4/4)
- Displaced Eighth Note Exercise (4/4) Harmonized
- Displaced Eighth Rest Exercise (4/4) Harmonized
- Displaced Eighth Note Exercise (12/8)
- Displaced Eighth Rest Exercise (12/8)
Bronze Objectives
The Bronze Objectives method is a series of performance exercises that develop individual players through all 12 Major and 12 Natural Minor keys at a level that is achievable by students from 7th through 12th grades including:

- Major Scales
- Major Arpeggios
- Natural Minor Scales
- Minor Arpeggios
- Rhythm Exercise #1 (Detached) Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #1 (Connected) Base 4 Time
- Technical Exercise #1 – Base 4 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #1 – Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #2 (Detached) Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #2 (Connected) Base 4 Time
- Technical Exercise #2 – Base 4 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #2 – Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #3 (Detached) Base 8 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #3 (Connected) Base 8 Time
- Technical Exercise #3 – Base 8 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #3 – Base 8 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #4 (Detached) Base 2 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #4 (Connected) Base 2 Time
- Technical Exercise #4 – Base 2 Time
- Lyrical Exercise $4 – Base 2 Time
Silver Objectives
The Silver Objectives method is a series of performance exercises that extend the demands of the Bronze Objectives. The 12 Major, 12 Natural Minor, 12 Harmonic Minor, 12 Melodic Minor, and Whole Tone Scales are explored and are designed for advanced middle school students and high school students. Range and tempi are extended beyond the Bronze Objectives.

- Major Scales
- Major Arpeggios
- Natural Minor Scales
- Minor Arpeggios
- Harmonic Minor Scales
- Whole Tone Scales
- Rhythm Exercise #5 (Detached) Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #5 (Connected) Base 4 Time
- Technical Exercise #5 – Base 4 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #5 – Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #6 (Detached) Base 2 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #6 (Connected) Base 2 Time
- Technical Exercise #6 – Base 2 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #6 – Base 2 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #7 (Detached) Base 8 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #7 (Connected) Base 8 Time
- Technical Exercise #7 – Base 8 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #7 – Base 8 Time
Gold Objectives
The Gold Objectives method is a series of performance exercises that extend the demands of the Bronze and Silver Objectives. The 12 Major, 12 Natural Minor, 12 Harmonic Minor, 12 Melodic Minor, Whole Tone Scales, and Modes are all explored and are designed for advanced high school students. Range and tempi are extended beyond the Bronze and SIlver Objectives.

- Major Scales
- Major Arpeggios
- Natural Minor Scales
- Minor Arpeggios
- Harmonic Minor Scales
- Melodic Minor Scales
- Whole Tone Scales
- Modes
- Rhythm Exercise #8 (Detached) Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #8 (Connected) Base 4 Time
- Technical Exercise #8 – Base 4 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #8 – Base 4 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #9 (Detached) Base 8 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #9 (Connected) Base 8 Time
- Technical Exercise #9 – Base 8 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #9 – Base 8 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #10 (Detached) Base 8 Time
- Rhythm Exercise #10 (Connected) Base 8 Time
- Technical Exercise #10 – Base 8 Time
- Lyrical Exercise #10 – Base 8 Time
Platinum Objectives
The Platinum Objectives method is a series of performance exercises that maximize the demands of the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Objectives. The 12 Major, 12 Natural Minor, 12 Harmonic Minor, 12 Melodic Minor, Whole Tone Scales, and Modes are all explored and are designed for advanced high school and college students. The platinum objectives are designed for your very best players who need additional challenges in their musical training.

- Major Scales (Advanced Patterns)
- Major Arpeggios (Advanced Patterns)
- Natural Minor Scales (Advanced Patterns)
- Minor Arpeggios (Advanced Patterns)
- Harmonic Minor Scales (Advanced Patterns)
- Melodic Minor Scales (Advanced Patterns)
- Whole Tone Scales (Advanced Patterns)
- Modes (Advanced Patterns)