Easy Guide to KPM Video & Audio Licensing


The synchronization license is NOT the responsibility of the performing group. The group, its members, and member’s families have permission to record, distribute and post online any recording of music that is composed by Key Poulan and published by Key Poulan Music. Permission is also granted for arrangements of public domain works created by Key Poulan. Circuits and organizations that host events may make up to three archival / educational copies for the performing group.

SYNCHRONIZATION AND / OR MECHANICAL LICENSE is required from Key Poulan Music for anyone not mentioned in the above pharagraph:

Anyone outside of those mentioned above that wishes to record and use the recording in anyway must obtain permission prior to recording and/or distribution. This includes video companies, all companies wishing to live stream competitions, all subscription services, and those wishing to supply video downloads of music composed or arranged by Key Poulan. All circuits and organizations must obtain permission for additonal copies above the three archival / educational copies granted above.

(For example but not limited to: USBands, YEA, BOA, TOB, UIL, WBA, SCSBOA, OMEA, FMBC, NCBA, KMEA, DCI, DCA,WGI, and Flo Marching)

SYNCHRONIZATION AND / OR MECHANICAL LICENSE is required from the copyright holder for all music arranged by Key Poulan that also requires permission to arrange from the copyright holder or its agent (for example: Tresona Music and Copy Cat Licensing)